Targeting the high and mid domestic market, in 2013 Ascent Décor launched ‘RUMORS’ as its flagship brand into Indian market and also spreading it into few international markets. Rumors is the one stop destination for all furnishing needs. ‘Rumors’ has put together a collection of timeless creations that you could invite into your living spaces.
Rumors is known for its boldness in creativity while retaining a class, renowned distinctive use of colors and high quality of fabrics. The richness of their jacquards and embroideries add a glorious touch to any space as Rumors believes that a home is synonymous to festivity.
One stop destination
Rumors acts as an active agent between the local market and global trends. The design team pays careful attention to how international tastes are slowly infiltrating Indian homes and aims to supply the best quality products for the domestic market. To meet the diverse demands, their archive comprises of both classic and modern collections placing the rich history and beauty of Indian textiles in modern global trends. Rumors’ opens doors to a different world of furnishings which goes beyond time. It offers a glimpse into a different way of life with an exclusive twist. Here you will finds loads of fresh ideas and décor inspiration.


We are
Do consectetur commodo esse nisi Lorem Lorem eiusmod esse dolor nisi commodo et mollit. Enim id magna consectetur dolore voluptate non sit laboris minim ad sit. Ea nisi veniam non tempor sunt veniam non proident aliqua velit ut.
We are
Do consectetur commodo esse nisi Lorem Lorem eiusmod esse dolor nisi commodo et mollit. Enim id magna consectetur dolore voluptate non sit laboris minim ad sit. Ea nisi veniam non tempor sunt veniam non proident aliqua velit ut.
We are
Do consectetur commodo esse nisi Lorem Lorem eiusmod esse dolor nisi commodo et mollit. Enim id magna consectetur dolore voluptate non sit laboris minim ad sit. Ea nisi veniam non tempor sunt veniam non proident aliqua velit ut.


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