Founded in 2017 Fabric engine, targets the lower end of the domestic Indian market providing designs indispensables to the interior décor. Attractive, comfortable and affordable they inject and infuse a newness into interiors without spending a fortune.
The mission is to reach out to customers from all walks of life for fulfilling their household furnishing needs. We are all working with the sole vision of bringing THE CLASS TO THE MASS.
Class for the mass.
The Design Studio creates each collection keeping in mind the diverse tastes of the customers while incorporating latest innovation possible at an affordable price. The designers are well up-to-date with trends and work collaboratively with artists to create designs combining smart techniques.


We are
Do consectetur commodo esse nisi Lorem Lorem eiusmod esse dolor nisi commodo et mollit. Enim id magna consectetur dolore voluptate non sit laboris minim ad sit. Ea nisi veniam non tempor sunt veniam non proident aliqua velit ut.
We are
Do consectetur commodo esse nisi Lorem Lorem eiusmod esse dolor nisi commodo et mollit. Enim id magna consectetur dolore voluptate non sit laboris minim ad sit. Ea nisi veniam non tempor sunt veniam non proident aliqua velit ut.
We are
Do consectetur commodo esse nisi Lorem Lorem eiusmod esse dolor nisi commodo et mollit. Enim id magna consectetur dolore voluptate non sit laboris minim ad sit. Ea nisi veniam non tempor sunt veniam non proident aliqua velit ut.
